Download and watch Zacuto's Camera Shootout in high quality
Get while the getting's good: episodes of Zacuto's terrific Great Camera Shootout 2010, previously confined to the Zacuto site, are now available to download from vimeo. Because they're at vimeo, it also means they're finally embeddable. If you haven't caught these handy comparisons betwen 35mm film and DSLR footage, here they are:
To view the episodes as 720p Quicktimes, which are far less compressed than the Flash versions previously available, click the vimeo logo above, scroll down, and in the right column you can download the QT file. Some caveats: you have to be a vimeo member, and I'm pretty sure vimeo caps the number of downloads per month, so this is likely a limited-time-offer.
[via Philip Bloom]