Skateboarding, Gunfire, and Models: RED Releases Dudetastic Super Slow-Mo SCARLET Footage

I didn't post this when it first came out, because as is often the case, RED releases new footage as Quicktime files posted to REDUSER rather than actually establishing a social media-friendly, embeddable video channel. However, as is to be expected in the world of online video, someone else took the initiative and uploaded the ProRes clip, and so here is the footage they shot on a RED SCARLET prototype (with the fixed 8X lens), featuring skateboarding, gunfire, hookers and johns, a car chase, and a matte black SUV. Brotally:
Hey RED, I get that you want people to download higher-quality clips for evaluation purposes instead of watching highly compressed Flash video. That would make perfect sense, except many of your Quicktime downloads -- including your latest MX sensor demo reel -- are shoddily encoded. Plenty of video services offer HD encoding that looks pretty damn good, so you might want to think about upping your video sharing game so sites much larger than mine (including, say, Gizmodo) can embed it. Just my $0.02.
If you're hankering for more RED footage, also check out this newly-released, VFX-heavy RED ONE MX clip at 48fps with the RED 18-50mm lens. I'd embed it here for you, but, you know, I can't.