There's a real art to making a great short film. You have to tell a story that fits in the confines, you have to quickly develop characters and ideas, and you be stringent about structure and narrative. 

It's not an easy task to make a great short film. That's why the best ones stand out, and help directors, writers, and producers get additional work. 

Today, I want to go over why short films matter, then provide a checklist of things you should do before embarking on making one. 

Sound good? 

Let's get started. 

7 tips to keep in mind when making a short film.'The Potemkinists'Credit: Courtesy of RIGA IFF

Why Make Short Films? 

Short films can be a great way to tell a story and experiment with different styles and techniques. They come with a lower cost, which can be beneficial because making a short film typically requires fewer resources and budget compared to a full-length feature film.

There's also an element of creative freedom. With a shorter runtime, you have more room to take creative risks and try new things. Along with that comes opportunities for festivals and recognition. Short films can be entered into film festivals and have the opportunity to gain recognition and exposure.

You can also hone your storytelling skills. Making a short film is a great way to practice and refine your storytelling skills.

Finally, you're adding to your resume and building a portfolio. Having a strong body of short films can showcase your abilities and help you build a portfolio to attract future opportunities.

So what should you do before making a short film? 

7 Things To Do Before Making a Short Film

  1. Develop a compelling story: The core of a successful short film is an engaging story with a clear narrative structure.

  2. Research your target audience: Understanding who your target audience is can help you tailor your story and style to resonate with them.

  3. Define your budget: Knowing how much you have to work with will help you make realistic decisions about your production.

  4. Assemble a talented team: A strong director, cinematographer, and actors can elevate your short film to the next level.

  5. Plan your shots:Pre-visualizing your shots through storyboards or shot lists can ensure you have a clear plan for each scene.

  6. Scout locations: Finding the right locations can enhance the look and feel of your film, and scouting ahead of time can help you plan for any logistics.

  7. Obtain necessary permissions: Depending on the location and content of your film, you may need to secure permits or clearances from local authorities.

Let me know if you have anything we should add to this topic in the comments. 

I can't wait to see what kind of short films you make.