Twenty years after Shinichirō Watanabe’s classic Cowboy Bebop first aired in Japan, the sci-fi western anime has endeared audiences across the world with its stylized genre-welding and razor-sharp coolness. Now it appears that Spike Spiegel and the rest of the bounty hunting Bebop crew are finally back - and in live-action - on Netflix.

Netflix’s Live-Action Cowboy Bebop

Just announced on Netflix NX (the brand’s sci-fi twitter handle), a teaser confirms reports from last year that an American live-action adaption was in development by Tomorrow Studios. Netflix has gone on to quickly add that original series creator Shinichirō Watanabe is on-board (albeit vaguely) as a consultant.

It’s also been confirmed that Thor: Ragnarok writer Christopher Yost is in line to write at least the first episode of the series as well.

Netflix Going in on Anime

It does appear that Netflix is definitely making an anime run for 2019. Fresh on the heels of news announcing that they’ve acquired the ultimate anime classic Neon Genesis Evangelion (EVA) - as well as its two features The End of Evangelion and Evangelion: Death (True)2 - Netflix has been steadily bolstering its anime offerings with both Ultraman and Rilakkuma also coming aboard the streaming platform.

It's not Netflix, but it's also cool to note that Adult Swim has also reportedly picked up a new Blade Runner anime series as well - which you can read about here.

Are We Ready for a Live-Action Cowboy Bebop?

As a fan of Cowboy Bebop growing up - like many Americans introduced to the series on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programming - it’s both exciting but odd that it took so long for a live-action adaptation to finally come to fruition. There have long been internet rumors as well as fan-made trailers like the one above. But one has to wonder just what finally clicked for the adaption now - and how well it will come together.