With version 3.5 of Frame.io, the popular online collaboration suite continues to beef up its security protocols to insure that unauthorized access to project assets and notes won’t happen.  Along with these security features comes a frame-accurate search with longer-form video clips. They also have an App Store.

 “Each iteration of the Frame.io platform addresses a new set of challenges for media professionals, with secure content sharing always in the forefront,” comments Emery Wells, co-founder, and CEO of Frame.io. “Frame.io v3.5 reduces workflow complexity to let creatives do what they do best: create.”


Chief amongst the v3.5 update to Frame.io is a login only requirement for security, which will mandate that all parties privy to projects in the Frame.io ecosystem will have to have an approved account in order to access media assets and project collaborations. This includes review and presentation links.

Admins will also be able to enforce this mandate directly on all links. Frame.io has also created a “reviewer role,” which provides a simple, clean view of select files rather than wading through all work in progress and other projects. This means no ability to “look around.”


Next, with many reality and documentary projects going long-form, searching for the right moment has been made easier thanks to the Advanced asset and search feature. Now, members can search by combining multiple filters—like date, file type, who uploaded and other features unique to the clip.  And the search isn't project-specific either, as users can search through up to a million assets that aren’t part of the project but maybe imported in. And security parameters set by the admin assure only those with access get access.



Frame.io has also created “Range-based comments and precision scrubbing” that enables members to find notes down to the frame level. Review level users can set in- and out-points to accurately pinpoint detailed and comprehensive feedback across scenes or sequences.

App Store

Frame.io also has an App Store with up to 1000 supported apps, including plugins for DaVinci Resolve and Premiere Pro. Other apps include stock media assets, back up utilities, and publishing platforms.

Frame.io iOS app vs. 2.0Credit: Frame.io

IOS 2.0
Frame has also rewritten its iOS app, making it easier to use remotely on any iOS device. The new iOS app supports precision scrubbing, Viewed status, a new File Information tab, team-only commenting, and a new Share flow that better mimics that of the desktop and web version.

Faster Playback

Finally, Frame.io has fine-tuned the playback interface to watch at speeds up to 8x.

JKL keys can be used to accelerate and decelerate as needed, and users can switch between full screen and windowed with a touch of a button.

So while Frame looks to make it easier to work within the interface, they are still mindful of a feature that users will always come to them for ... security.  All features are available to use now.