Atomos Will Give You Cash to Upgrade to HDR
Atomos has combined a new firmware update with a generous trade-in program and price cuts to boost its future in HDR.
After a firmware workaround over the summer to enable HDR preview on 400-nit screens, the monitor and recording manufacturer Atomos is working diligently to keep equipment up to date with proper Log and HDR monitoring.
With 7.12, its new, free firmware release, Atomos has incorporated native support for Sony S-Log, FujiFilm Log, and Canon C-Log 3 capture formats, which comes in addition to previous support for curves from Panasonic, JVC, RED, and ARRI.
This is a crucial update. Log is a format designed to preserve maximum scene detail; while it opens up many options in post, it often looks "flat" when viewed on a monitor designed for linear video. While many filmmakers get used to the "log look"—and some even get attached to it—the option of previewing something that has been formatted correctly for the monitor is a huge benefit.
Credit: Atomos
For those looking to buy a new Atomos recorder or to upgrade an older model to a proper 1500-nit high brightness HDR display, the company is running a cash-back promotion that offers discounts on the HDR models along with trade-in credit that applies whether your used Shogun or Ninja is in working condition or not. While the trade-in value isn't amazing (you could likely get slightly more by selling it on an auction site), the simplicity of the trade-in is convenient, especially since it applies to non-functioning equipment.
Additionally, for many institutional filmmakers—such as university AV departments who have purchasing restrictions and might not be allowed to sell used equipment—the trade-in can help secure the upgrade at a better price. Discounts range from $175 to $500, depending on the model you are buying and which unit, if any, you are trading.
The promotion lasts through January 31, 2017. For more information, check out the Atomos site.