As I say in the video, thank you guys so much for your support. We've gotten this far, but we're past the halfway point and we've started falling behind. So I wanted to share a way you can help make the Man-child campaign a success -- even if you don't want to back the project (or if you already did -- thank you!). Anyone who appears on the Twitter lists below is a prominent member of the basketball community. Let them know about this film -- it's a well-researched movie by an indie filmmaker who's played basketball all his life (@ryanbkoo), it's about part of the basketball world that you don't normally see in the movies (the recruiting of middle schoolers), and it could really use their support! By reaching out to them as a community (and by talking amongst ourselves), let's see if we can get #manchild trending this week on Twitter -- together:

I've included some example tweets below. A couple more things:

If you'd like to know more about how the campaign is doing, I've done a few interviews with other filmmaking sites -- thanks to all of them for having me as a guest.

Also, sorry about the noisy air conditioner in this video! Small New York apartments...

If you're not a Twitter user, you could also try to reach out to any of the editors at the top NBA or College basketball blogs. I'm trying to reach out myself, of course, but as I say in the video, I can only be in one place at a time and there are only so many hours in the day. Thank you so much for your help!

Example Tweets

As for example tweets, here a few I've seen since posting this that are great examples. One essential element to include is that it's a campaign to MAKE a movie -- otherwise folks will think they're about to watch a finished film about youth basketball, and instead they get me talking. I'd be disappointed to see that! Some examples:






Thanks guys! Let's keep this up past just today, it's going to take a concerted effort and Twitter never sleeps!